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Kakyoin Wonders About What He Wants (Kakhan) 26.02.18

[NSFW: Sexual references]

While Rohan lies asleep in his arms one night, Kakyoin ponders over what he wants from all this.

Being with Rohan like this is... actually really nice. But is that because he's starting to feel anything for Rohan, or is it just because in his loneliness, he's been craving some kind of affection? If a relationship is what Rohan wants, is Kakyoin even ready for such a thing after being so crushed by his divorce? Is Rohan even someone that Kakyoin would want to be in a relationship with? At this point in time, he doesn't really know anything.

Everything had happened so quickly. One minute, Rohan seemed to hate Kakyoin's guts for no apparent reason...

Then out of the blue Rohan apologised to him, and they got along better but Rohan still didn't seem quite comfortable around him for some reason, then it was That Night and they got drunk together and...

... things took a turn in a way that Kakyoin hadn't quite expected.
It was good, though.
As was the night after that.
And the next time they...
Okay, that aspect is always great. But if Rohan wants this to be something more... can Kakyoin even give him that? And if he can't, isn't sleeping with him like this just leading him on?
Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe this can be something more. ... But can it really?
Kakyoin ponders, but reaches no conclusions...

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